CorEMR Docs

The CorEMR Docs site lists all the ways third parties are able to interact with a CorEMR installation. Following these specifications and tips will ensure fast and accurate data exchange between CorEMR and other systems.

Web Services API

Using the CorEMR Webservices, you can programmatically interact with your CorEMR installation by reading and updating patients, bookings, alerts, and more. If you are trying to get the most out of CorEMR's data and workflow, this is the tool to use.

The following resource types are available via webservices

Minimum CorEMR Version: 5.3
Patient Demographics and Bookings
Minimum CorEMR Version: 6.2.0
Patient Demographics and Bookings


CorEMR integrates with numerous mission critical software, such as jail/booking management systems, pharmacies, and labs. We offer two standardized JMS integrations to quickly get both systems working together.

The following integration types are currently supported


Bulk data importing dramatically speeds up the go-live process. Common vendors are able to quickly generate these files, eliminating the need for facility staff to manually enter data.

The following bulk import types are currently supported

These formats are standardized on our side for optimal compatibility and immediacy; using these bulk formats ensures your data will be imported correctly and without having to involve CorEMR staff.


Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances

Users guide on setting up EPCS