
Minimum CorEMR Version: 6.2.0 This webservice allows clients to manage patient information inside the CorEMR system. It can be used to retrieve and edit patient tasks, as well as all of their applicable fields and data.

Task Endpoints

Action REST Verb Description
Read GET
Gets list of all tasks currently in the system.
Read GET
Get all tasks on the specific patient with the given external_id
Read GET
Get a specific task with the given id on the patient with the given external_id
Create POST
Create a new task on the patient with the given external_id.
Update POST
Update an existing patient task.

Patient Get /ws/tasks/ Return Fields

Return Field Datatype Note
id Integer Unique task identifier.
external_id String Unique patient identifier correlating to the patient this task is assigned to.
description String Description of the task.
category_name String Category of task.
task_category_id Integer Category number of task.
priority Integer Priority category number of task.
task_category_id Integer Category number of task.
scheduled_date String Date the task should be completed as a string, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00.000
status Integer Status number of task.
created_date String Creation date of task as a string, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00.000
created_user String User's name who created the task
category_user_id Integer User's ID number who created the task

Patient Task Fields

Field Datatype Required for Post Notes
facility Integer Y Facility number where the patient task needs to happen.
facility_created Integer Y Facility number where the patient alert is being created.
booking_no String Y Booking number of the patient the task is being placed on.
priority Integer Y Priority of completion of the task, with 1 being highest priority.
description String Y String description of the task.
all_day Boolean Y Flag indicating whether the task has a set time to be completed or if it lasts all day, 1 for all day, 0 for set time.
date_start DateTime Y Date the task begins. Formatted in ISO8601 format.
date_end DateTime Y Date the task ends. Formatted in ISO8601 format.
locked Boolean Y Flag indicating whether the task is locked, 1 for yes, 0 for no.
facility_completed Integer Facility number where the patient task is completed.
order_id Integer ID number of the order the task came from.
category_id Integer The category number correlating to the task type.
provider_id Integer ID number of the provider of the patient.
related_record_name String Name of record to be referred to in relation to the task.
related_type String The category number correlating to the related type.
source_related_id Integer Internal field, do not alter unless understood.
result Integer Status number indicating the result of the task.
related_id Integer ID number of related record.
note String Note to be attached to the task.
generator_id Integer ID number of the generator that created the task.
date_removed DateTime Date the task was removed from the patient. Formatted in ISO8601 format.
treatement_id Integer ID number of the treatment that the task refers to.