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Form Records

Minimum CorEMR Version: 6.4.0

This webservice allows clients to view patient information inside the CorEMR system. It can be used to retrieve patient form records.

Form Endpoints (Read Only)

Action REST Verb Route Description
Read GET /ws/v3/forms/{form_id} Get all available form records with the given form id.
Read GET /ws/v3/patients/{external_id}/forms/ Get all form records on the specific patient with the given external_id
Read GET /ws/v3/patients/{external_id}/forms/{form_id} Get a specific form with the given id on the patient with the given external_id


Because of the potential large volume of form records, this endpoint implements pagination.


Filter Name Datatype Note
patient_id String Filter one or more patients by comma-separated external_id's
active_patients Boolean Only show form records of active patients
facility Integer Facility ID
locked Boolean Form records that are locked
draft Boolean Form records that were saved as a draft (incomplete)
created_user Integer User who created the form
created_date Date Date that the form was created


Form endpoints support ordering results, but limiting is not supported. See Query Strings.

GET Return Schema

Example Response
    records: [
        form_name: 'Intake Form 1',
        form_id: 1,
        form_version: 4,
        created_user: 'user1',
        created_date: '2023-03-21T12:58:05+00:00'
        form_name: 'A Test',
        form_id: 135,
        form_version: 10,
        created_user: 'user2',
        created_date: '2023-04-17T12:59:19+00:00',
        questions: [Array]
        form_name: 'Medical Nurse',
        form_id: 5,
        form_version: 1,
        created_user: 'user1',
        created_date: '2023-04-25T12:25:10+00:00',
        questions: [Array]
        form_name: 'Mental Health Provider',
        form_id: 2,
        form_version: 1,
        created_user: 'user2',
        created_date: '2023-04-26T08:04:17+00:00'
        form_name: 'Intake Form 1',
        form_id: 1,
        form_version: 4,
        created_user: 'user2',
        created_date: '2023-05-10T14:37:17+00:00'
    pagination: {
        current_page: 1,
        per_page: '5',
        total_pages: 9,
        total_records: 41,
        next_page_url: '/ws/patients/{external_id}/forms/?page=2&per_page=5',
        prev_page_url: null
Example of Questions [Array]
"questions": [
        "question": "What is your favorite color?",
        "required": true,
        "type": "Long Answer",
        "answer": "Blue"
        "question": "What is your blood type?",
        "required": true,
        "type": "Long Answer",
        "answer": "O positive"
        "question": "Dropdown Example",
        "required": true,
        "type": "Dropdown + notes",
        "choices": {
            "a": true,
            "b": false,
            "d": false
        "question": "How cold are you?",
        "required": true,
        "type": "Multiple Choice + notes",
        "choices": {
            "cold": false,
            "warm": true,
            "hot": false
        "question": "Favorite Hobby",
        "required": false,
        "type": "Dropdown",
        "answer": "(No Value)"