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Users (v1)

Minimum CorEMR Version: 5.5.11

This webservice allows clients to manage user information inside the CorEMR system. It can be used to retrieve, edit, and delete users, a user's type, and their facility access.


Action REST Verb Route Description
Read GET /ws/users/ Gets list of users in the system. Filters can be applied, as explained below.
Add POST /ws/users/ Creates a new user in the system.
Read GET /ws/users/{username} Get a specific user currently in the system.
Update PUT /ws/users/{username} Updates an existing user in the system.
Delete DELETE /ws/users/{username} Removes an existing user from the system.


Field Datatype Add Read Notes
active Bool
username String R Unique user identifier.
usertype String R Only available when adding new user.
password String R Only available when adding new user and not using external authentication. Must meet password restrictions as configured.
title String Abbreviation or short name of title_full
title_full String
fname String R
mi String(1)
lname String R
email String
employee_number String
home_phone String
work_phone String
ssn String(9)
notes String
dea_number String
npi_number String
enc_categories Enum Encounter categories user has access to.1: Medical2: Dental4: Mental Health8: Other
enc_type Integer
lab_provider_id String(50)
bypass_external_auth Bool If True, account will bypass external authorization schemes such as Active Directory.
does_password_expire Bool
locked Bool
last_logged_in DateTime *
date_created DateTime *


Filter Description
active 1 or 0 indicating to see active or inactive users.
fname String to search first names. Can use % as a wildcard.
mi String to search middle initials.
lname String to search last names. Can use % as a wildcard.
email String to search email addresses. Can use % as a wildcard.

User's Usertypes

Action REST Verb Route Description
Read GET /ws/users/{username}/types/ Gets a list of usertypes assigned to the User.
Add POST /ws/users/{username}/types/ Assigns the specified usertype to the User.
Delete DELETE /ws/users/{username}/types/{usertype_name} Removes the specified usertype from the user.


Field Datatype Add Read Notes
name String R *

User Facility Access

| Action | REST Verb | Route | Description |--------|-----------|-------------------------------------------------| | Read | GET { .get } | /ws/users/{username}/facilities/ | Gets a list of Facilities assigned to the User. | Add | POST { .pst } | /ws/users/{username}/facilities/ | Assigns the specified Facility to the User. | Update | PUT { .put } | /ws/users/{username}/facilities/{facility_code} | Updates the user's access to the specified facility. | Delete | DELETE { .del } | /ws/users/{username}/facilities/{facility_code} | Removes the specified Facility from the user.


Field Datatype Add Read Notes
name String *
code String R * Facility's unique identifier code.
primary Bool User's primary facility.