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Problems (v1)

Minimum CorEMR Version: 5.4.2


Action REST Verb Route Description
Read GET /ws/problems/ Gets list of active problems currently in system. Filters can be applied, as explained below.
Read GET /ws/patients/{external_id}/problems/ Gets list of active problems on existing patient. Filters can be applied, as explained below.
Add POST /ws/patients/{external_id}/problems/ Creates a new problem on existing patient.
Read GET /ws/patients/{external_id}/problems/{problem_id} Gets an existing problem on existing patient.
Update PUT /ws/patients/{external_id}/problems/{problem_id} Updates an existing problem on existing patient.


Either title or icd10cm may be sent to add or update the problem.

Field Datatype Add Read Notes
id Integer * Unique problem record identifier.
external_id String(17) * Unique patient identifier.
title String R Read-only if icd10cm is set.
subtype String
icd10cm String(20) R If specified and valid, will be used for the problem title.
severity Integer
inflammation Integer
chronic Bool
onset_date Datetime
opened_date Datetime *
opened_user String * Available only in 5.5.11 or higher.
opened_user_id Integer *
closed_date Datetime NULL unless removed.
closed_user String * Available only in 5.5.11 or higher. NULL unless removed.
closed_user_id Integer * NULL unless removed.


Filter Description
categories Comma seperated list of problem titles.
icd10s Comma seperated list of ICD10 codes.
since Date or Datetime to indicate a point to read problems from. Capped at one month in the past.
include_closed Includes problems closed in the last 4 hours.


Updating an existing problem with a closed_date will close the problem.