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Patient Import CSV

Minimum CorEMR Version: 5.2


The file must be a Comma-Separated Value file (CSV) with the number and order of columns exactly as listed. The columns marked Required must have the specified type of data present or importing will not occur. All other columns may be left blank, but must still be present in the file. If a field is not able to be included and is not required, that field should be left blank.


When importing this file, CorEMR will attempt to find an existing chart matching the given Patient ID value. If not found, a new chart and booking entry will be created. If found, that row is skipped. This means this format only works for importing patient data once.

Column Mapping

Column Field Datatype Required Notes
1 Patient ID String(17) R Patient’s unique number used to track the individual across all bookings.
2 Facility String(32) If the system is running multiple facilities, this must match a CorEMR facility code. Any blank values will be put into the facility the user is currently logged into.
3 First Name String(255) R
4 Middle Name String(255)
5 Last Name String(255) R
6 Birth Date Date R
7 Sex String(7) R "Male", "Female", or "Unknown".
8 Booking Number String(32) R
9 Booking Date Datetime R
10 SSN String(11)
11 Race String(255) "American Indian or Alaskan Native", "Asian", "Black or African American", "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", or "White".
12 Ethnicity String(11) "Hispanic" or "Non-Hispanic"
13 Height Integer Measured in inches.
14 Weight Integer Measured in US pounds.
15 Eye Color String
16 Hair Color String
17 Address1 String
18 Address2 String
19 City String
20 State String
21 Zipcode String
22 Location Block String
23 Location Pod String
24 Location Cell String
25 Location Full String If location is not separated in different fields, this FULL location can be provided.
26 Allergies String


We recommend headerless CSV files to cutdown on filesizes.

Minimal Example

This lists an example of the bare minimum data one row can contain.


Full Example

"24334784","CORTEST","Allison","Bernice","Franks","1984-10-04","Female","2018032015451","2018-03-20T15:45:00Z","555555555","White","Non-Hispanic","63","115","Blue","Blonde","1145 Hobble Creek Canyon Rd","Springville","UT","84660,",,,"HIGHROAD : 01 : 12","NKMA"